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Find yourself wondering every semester what classes are offered and what you can take? No worries! We have your back. In this section, you can find a semesterly updated list of classes that are offered by the department according to each level from 200 to 400. 


Classes are subject to change every year and every semester new classes are created and advertised through email. We try to keep an eye out for those and refresh our class list. Instructors are subject to change every semester as well. We encourage you to click the link provided in the description to verify if prerequisites are needed or if the course is cross-listed. For language courses, language assessments are usually required before applying to any level, email the instructor for more information and details regarding taking the placement test. 


If you're not sure what classes outside of the department you can take that counts towards your degree, you can always consult our Major & Minor breakdown. We strongly suggest that you also contact your advisor. 


Currently figuring out your schedule for this or next semester? Use McGill's Visual Schedule Builder to check sections and course overlap!

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